Zoning Clearance

Planning & Zoning


Zoning Clearance Request

In order to verify that the property you are considering is properly zoned for your intended use, it is recommended that you receive a zoning clearance by filling out the form below. There are three options available for you to choose from. 

  • A zoning clearance lets you know if the property is properly zoned for the use intended (no charge)
  • A zoning verification letter provides a letter on city letterhead verifying the zoning district and other relevant information of the property
    • Tier 1 letter provides current zoning, surrounding zoning and permitted uses ($25 per parcel or subdivision)
    • Tier 2 letter provides tier 1 information plus zoning conditions, variances and/or conditional uses granted to the property, zoning, fire and/or building code violations and certificates of occupancy ($100 per parcel or subdivision)
Your Name:

Your Address:

Your Address Line 2:

Your City or Town:

Your State or Province:

Your Zip or Postal Code:

Your Phone:

Your Email:

Property Address:

Property Parcel ID Number:

Detailed Description of Proposed Use:

Clearance Type Requested:

Return by:

If you are requesting a Tier 1 or 2 Zoning Verification Letter, please upload the credit card processing form for payment.